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College Name
Santa Rosa Junior College (California)
Brief Description of College
Santa Rosa Junior College ("SRJC")- is a community college located in Santa Rosa, California. It was created to be a community school which would “feed” graduates to other schools in the University of California system. There are 70,000 students per semester.
Farm Size
Santa Rosa Junior College has 365 acres total, and 35 acres of these are certified organic.
Produce of Farm
330 acres are used for grapes, timber, multiuse land, and pasture land, (beef cattle and sheep).
The 35-acre Sustainable Agriculture Unit is divided into:
* 15-acre expansion land for student enterprise project
* 10-acre organic vineyard
* 5-acre market garden
* 4-acre high-density olives and apples
* 1-acre food pyramid garden.
Farming Approach
They focus on organic methods of production, as well as soil fertility management, integrated pest management, sustainable production practices, and marketing methods.
Where Produce Goes
Their produce goes to a wide variety of sources including restaurants and a CSA program. In addition, produce grown in the farm gardens are used in SRJC’s Culinary Training Program.
How Farm is Funded
They generate income from the sale of grapes from the College’s vineyard operation as well as oat hay, oat silage, and sheep and swine operations.
How Farm is Staffed and Supervised
The Shone Farm is staffed and supervised through the employment of the Shone Farm Manager, and workers under his control.
Purposes of Farm
“The Shone Farm serves primarily as an outdoor laboratory site for agriculture and natural resource classes.”
How Farm was Initiated
The Shone Farm was founded in 1972.
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